Saturday, January 3, 2009

Governed by Faithless Liars

All but a handful of the fewer than 2,000 individuals -- a president, senators, congressmen, appellate court judges, and a few high level bureaucrats -- who run our government are liars from the get go.

Every one of these poohbahs takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution yet almost none of them ever intends to do so. Very few of them have any understanding of that document. Fewer appreciate and value it. And one has to wonder how many of them ever even have read it.

One of our local congressional representative even has had the gall to proclaim that the Constitution is out of date, no longer relevant, and passe, likening it to a blue dress that she had when she was a little girl but that she now has outgrown.

A nation governed by such faithless clods, charlatans, and scoundrels has no moorings. It is adrift and subject to the whims of the moment and the mob. It cannot prosper or endure.

The above is from mudgeonsmusgings